Monday, July 30, 2007

Do I care?

What's it mean when you're going through life and stuff happens and you don't really feel like you care? It's not that I feel it's all meaningless it's just that I look at the issues that crop up day to day and feel like most aren't worth caring about. They're just too small somehow, too irrelevant.

I don't really care if I meet people's expectations. I don't really care if we have a healing room next year or not. I don't care if the Elijah breaker anointing is calling for a national consecration fast and that we all better get ready because something is about to happen in the heavenlies (that's an amalgam of various strident voices at present). I don't care if there is a new anti-oxidant chocolate bar that will clean up my arteries. I don't care if people don't understand why Terry and I make certain decisions that they don't agree with.

Maybe I am tired of caring. Maybe the Lord is showing me I care about the wrong things. Maybe I'm a fool. We shall see.

But for now, I don't really care.


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