I must admit I have been wondering about becoming as sick as I did. I know this is getting boring and everybody gets sick but I don't get sick like that and I've been turning it over in my mind. A couple of people have said it's due to my stepping out in the healing room, or preaching like I knew what I was saying, and that the enemy attacked.
The 'attack' thing is well worn in charismatic circles and I don't really care to listen to it as the source of all woe in our lives but it does hold true from time to time and can't be ignored as an option.
Another brother thought it might be the Lord bringing my immunity up to speed, so to speak. Since I so rarely get sick he felt it might be a time of immunization, after which I would experience another long period of freedom from sickness. I love free thinkers like that.
I think maybe I'll just go with the Proverb of the times: Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger - and leave it at that. Still, I wonder about it...
Ma and I were out shopping today. Christmas is well warped to North American capitalistic culture and I, being a capitalist, enjoy spending capital. I don't try to mix my religion and my capitalistic flesh and just plain out enjoy the material side of Christmas. The spiritual side is better, of course, but the material side is fun too. You can mix them and make it all work together if you really need to. I only wish I had tons of money and could just buy whatever I see for people.
I saw a really nice ice fishing tent that I might just buy for me. Not because I deserve it but because I have capital and can buy it if I want. I also saw a really nice LOOK bike for $4,300 and an Norco for $3,000. I'm impressed by the Norco machine, not a brand you'd equate with high end bikes but a company giving it a whirl. Go Canada. Both these bikes are half the price of the bike I'd buy if I had more capital than I could spend as quickly as I normally can and are contenders for 'tom's new bike'.
I need a new bike and it has been prophesied that I shall have one. The prophecy said it would be red and the LOOK bike was a nice shiny red. At times like these I have no problem mixing my religion and my capitalistic flesh because my religion can now serve a very important purpose, that of obtaining a new bike. It's gotta be good for something doesn't it??
Christmas is fun. Make sure you have some and don't spare the capital. Lots more where that came from. This is especially important if you are a citizen of the USA. Spend lots of money and get your economy going, you're in big trouble down there. It's up to you Christians.
Captiol, capitol! Pray tell, may I trouble you for another anecdote?
I heart capitol!!! I spend enough that we shouldn't be in trouble!
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