Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Brain cooked

It's 2.30 pm and my brain is cooked already. A bike ride looms, after which I will be able to function again.

Did you know I made a super excessive effort (for me) last night to load some teaching CD's into itunes and then burn disks only to find out that they loaded backwards? The first track says, "Thank you for listening to this life changing message....." and then it's all in reverse from there. I have yet to make itunes work for me.

Did you know there are 2211farms in Canada that earn over $2 million in revenue every year? And 3700 that earn over a million? Not bad coin. I'm doing my analysis of the farm industry this week and I know lots of neat stuff now. Pays to know the size of your market. I think I qualify as a business apostle for being such a student of the industry.

Which reminds me. Someone told me that I suffer from spiritual slumber in the summer and that all my brothers and sisters do to. A bunch of pastors got together and figured it out. Told me to wake up and be alert because God was going to do something big and I might miss it. Rubbish, pure fiction made up in the minds of men. I'm awake and so are my compatriots.

However, my brain is cooked so I guess they have a point of sorts. To the bike!


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