Monday, August 14, 2006

I forgot how to Blog but Kayle reminded me!

It has been so long since I blogged because I could not remember how and then we went on holidays for about 18 days. So i don't know if anyone checks this any more but here goes.
We had a wonderful time at the cabin. We fished, ate, read, visited, made stuff out of willow branches ( a fence, a chair... the chair holds a plant pot because it is too wobbley to sit on). We had beautiful clear blue days with the Lake looking like a mirror. I spent every morning on the deck drinking coffee, watching the birds and reading my Bible. Tom and I enjoyed each others company so much. Often having good talks but mostly just silently being side by side, just comfortable in each others presence. ( We started our holidays off celebrating our 32nd year of marriage, I guess we have learned how to be friends!) Highlights included the above and also spending time with our family who came out from time to time ... hiking to the geographical centre of Alberta! playing horseshoes, seeing 5yr. old Sasha baptized in the river, floating on an air mattress, laughing at Nacho Libre the movie we went to see at the Roxie an ancient theatre in the small town near our cabin and eating way too many smokies.
We are going back in a few days because we are having a septic tank put in! We will soon say goodbye to the old pit toilet( yippee) even though a little 9 year old visitor came out of it yesterday proclaiming that it smelled like flowers in there!
I was disappointed to miss a visit from Devon, Kristi and Sparrow but hope to see lots of them when they move here soon.
Visitors start to arrive tomorrow when Daniel from Redding arrives and then next week Trevor and Ryan from Toronto. Bryan too but he will be in the overflow area ( Aaron and Bobbie's).
I have a couple of days to get my yard fixed up and stock cupboards etc (Kosher? I will do my best).
Thats all.
I am sure Tom will post something more profound soon.
Hey this does not have spell check.