Sunday, November 26, 2006

Holy, Holy, Holy

Holy crap is it ever cold here. Snowing, blowing, minus 25 C type of cold. Avec le vent c'est tres froid. Look out Stefanie, this is going to be a shock to your system. Bring your woolies home.

Holy smokes is Christmas coming fast. And all I seem to be doing is travelling. But I see it coming and I'm going to not make it a North American stress fest. I am not.

Holy is his name, like it or not. The United Church is running this ad with Jesus sitting in Santa's chair with a kid on his knee and a caption along the line of "Would you let your kid sit here?". It makes the point that like it or not CHRISTmas is all about CHRIST. That's reasonable theology.

Which reminds me - I saw a really lame door flag on a car the other day. You know, the kind you stick in your window for the Oilers or the Twins or whatever sports team you like that flutter in the wind as you drive around and advertise your team. Well, this one said JESUS in big green letters on a yellow background and under that said 'Our champion never loses' or some such drivel. No wonder people don't like us.


Thursday, November 23, 2006

I love our Kinship

For those of you who don't know, a kinship is a home group. We meet once a week to worship, pray and encounter God. I just have to say how much I love our kinship. We are a bunch of hungry people, a little bit crazy at times ... but we love Jesus, and we love each other. The following are the highlights for me of this week's meeting.
-Kristi led worship. It was so sweet. A touch of heaven.
-Sparrow. (She is a highlight every week though)
-Kirsten who is two. Each time Tom would read from the Bible or say something with passion while he was teaching she would "read" from her book or talk loudly like Tom but in a language only she could understand!
-Jeryn ( a 3 year old boy) coming in during a moment of sweet silence and announcing "Daddy, I have to Poo!"
-Praying for everyone in a prayer circle. Two or three people walked around inside a circle of others who blessed them and asked for more of the Spirit to manifest in their lives. He did in a variety of ways. ( I wonder what the neighbours thought).
-A fire in the bathroom! Thank goodness for smoke alarms and that Aaron still has eyebrows!
-Amy feeding me chocolate cake. ( I was holding Sparrow you see).
-Suzette holding me and loving me. I needed that.
-Everyone signed up for the Christmas hamper and we get to bless a needy family, richly.
-Larah ( grade four) cutting and passing out cake. She just saw what needed to be done and did it with such a serving heart and kindness
These and the others in my kinship are my brothers and sisters in Christ and they are so beautiful.

I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. Ephesians 1: 17-18.

Monday, November 06, 2006

The Root of all false religions

In a comprehensive research study done by myself on myself with Tylenol Cold medication I found that whatever is in that stuff spins me into an alternate reality and opens me up to all sorts of spiritual events. This has happened repeatedly and I don't know why I take the stuff.

When I was sharing the results of my study with another person she exclaimed that NyQuil does the exact same thing to her, and, with further discussion we agreed that NyQuil is the root of all false religions. It essentially delivers the whole basis for starting your own gig in one spoonful, complete with revelation, experiencing your diety and a brief set of notes hardwired into your brain.

From there all you have to do is nurse the thing a bit until it gets a life of it's own and, hey, you're the new spiritual leader of your very own self created movement.

Looking back in history it is clear that others have used NyQuil to this effect and that it has been around far longer than any of us imagine. In fact, mentions of this liquid appear in all spiritual writings of the past, although it is always called by some sort of code name like 'water' or something innocuous like that. It slips right past you but you're reading about NyQuil.

It has been around since time began and I think it was in Cain's stew and maybe some of those wells of Abraham's time. I think Pharoh was on it for sure.

As for me and my house, we don't serve it. We've got enough religion around this place already.
